Acoustiblok Power Generation Noise Reduction Systems
Power generation noise reduction is the goal. From dedicated power stations to backup power plants, Acoustiblok has resolved thousands of the noise issues associated with this industry. When you place a generator in a room, in between two buildings, or next to any type of wall or boundary, it typically makes the noise much worse in many ways. Not only can it be worse, but it also can create a new acoustical phenomenon that wasn’t there in the first place. Small acoustic enclosures, quilted blankets, fences, bushes, and louvered walls are par-for-the-course if you talk to most architects, builders and developers.
The problem is that none of these things work well enough if you want to reduce the noise level radiating from a generator. This is a cold hard fact! We field more calls on a weekly basis on how to mitigate generator noise than anything else! And it just so happens we have the right products and design team to help you implement a successful solution.

All Weather Sound Panels®
Please feel free to contact us directly to speak with a generator noise specialist.
Key points to remember on line of sight barriers
• Directional absorption/barrier systems
• Modular components
• 2” profile for tight fits.
• Patented “All Weather Sound Panel”
• No mold or mildew accumulation.
• HAWSP’s over 277 mph sustainable wind loads,(mounting system must be certified as well)