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Acoustiblok® Mass Transit Noise Solutions

Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions

Light Rail Noise Solutions

Mass Transit Noise Solutions

Acoustical Real-Time Video Imaging System

Acoustiblok now offers our customers the “Acoustical Real-Time video Imaging System™”. The acoustical camera allows us to “see” sound in real-time (as you would “see” thermal contours with an infrared FLIR camera). We can measure the intensity and overall frequency content of the noise and its reflections. We can visually identify the direction, source and frequency spectrum of the noise.

This provides us with an extremely powerful tool.  We have the capability to immediately address noise problems with a very high degree of confidence. Which saves an incalculable amount of time and money. This new technology will revolutionize the science of sound abatement.


Sound Transit Authority’s Justin Garrod is the project manager for the Link Rail System in Seattle. He was called upon to find a solution to the high noise level that exceeded federal standards and dramatically affected the area resident’s quality of life.

After researching and trying other methods, Garrod and his staff discovered AcoustiFence.  This product provides a perfect solution because it is comprised of a unique sound deadening material. At only 1/8 of an inch thick, it not only blocks sound, but at very low frequencies it can also absorb sound. You can mount it easily to virtually any structure using the brass grommets on the edges.

Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions
Mass Transit Noise Solutions

AcoustiFence® continued…

When the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) began planning the upgrade of SR520, they were required to submit a Noise Management and Mitigation Plan for the Montlake Phase of the project, as it would subject residential areas to high levels of noise during both the day and the night.

One of the additional noise control measures they adopted was to use temporary and mobile noise barriers. Acoustiblok provided WSDOT with our patented Acoustifence product with our landscape print on one side. This was important because the residents expressed concerns during community outreach that any noise reduction barriers be aesthetically pleasing during the construction period.

All Weather Sound Panels®

Acoustiblok All Weather Sound Panels were used to resolve a significant noise problem on a new rail line in Washington, DC.  These panels not only block the sound but also absorb virtually all noise.  Unlike a solid material barrier wall, which reflects the wheel noise back to the car and over the top of the wall.

The panels were easily attached using stainless steel U-bolts to an existing railing. This eliminated the need for a very expensive reflective concrete barrier.

Mass Transit Noise Solutions

All Weather Sound Panels® continued…

Our patented All Weather Sound Panels can also be used to mitigate highway/freeway noise.  Here we see the panels attached to an exterior run of jersey walls to block the traffic noise from reaching a nearby residential area.

Air Conditioner Noise
Air Conditioner Noise

Project Examples

Light Rail Noise Solutions

Rail Noise Documentation

TCRP Report 23
TCRP Report 23Wheel/Rail Noise Control Manual
George Paul Wilson
George Paul WilsonRail System Noise & Vibration Control
EPARail Infrastructure Noise Guideline
Transportation Noise Reduction

Transportation Noise Reduction

Noisy roads, noisy bridges and noisy railways, the ever-growing population will only make this problem worse. As more and more transportation lanes open up they will most definitely encroach on our residential communities and work places. This means that more thought will need to be put into isolating these transportation corridors to make our communities livable. Acoustiblok can help at the conceptual stages of some of these projects and also at post construction stages. Our patented HAWSP’s (Hurricane All Weather Sound Panels) and our AF-6 (Acoustifence) are great solutions to this ever-growing problem. We would love to hear from you should you have a transportation noise challenge that needs a resolve.

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