Acoustiblok Wallcover (AWC)
AWC is a very unique surface mounted version of Acoustiblok material that reduces sound transmissions through walls. AWC is approximately ¼” (6.35mm) thick and comes in a sheet that’s 4’ x 8’in size. The exposed surface is a woven silver fabric that can be finished like drywall in a number of textured, painted, or wallpapered finishes.
Until the release of Acoustiblok Wallcover (AWC), there was no simple do-it-yourself (DIY) noise deadening or sound isolation solution with high performance that could be applied on top of an existing wall. AWC is like installing wallpaper! No dirty construction processes, no special permits from HOA’s and it can be installed in a day. The most important aspect of AWC is that is has great performance as an enhancement to any pre-existing wall assembly. AWC has been laboratory tested and measured to give an STC53 when applied to a standard drywall/stud wall assembly, (like the typical wall in hotels, condo’s, apartments, etc.).

Acoustiblok Wallcover Noise Barrier
Smoke/Flame Spread: (independent certified lab tests available on request)
• “Class B”
• E-84 (tunnel test method)
• Smoke Developed Index – 250
• Flame Spread Index – 35
Dimensions: 4’ x 8’ x 5/16” (1.219 m x 2.438 m x 7.93 mm)
Weight: approximately 35 LB (15.875 kg)
Shipping: pallet or UPS rolls approximately 7” x 48” (17.8 cm x 121.9 cm)
Exterior Exposed Finish:
AWC has an Industrial grade, silver woven fiberglass fabric, “Class B” fire retardant, paintable or easily covered with virtually any texture finish or paint just like drywall. Wallpaper makes an excellent and quick finish on the material. (See install suggestions)
NOTE: Due to the unique nature of this material and a critical manufacturing requirement, it is possible that there will be some very small superficial blemishes. Although industrial and commercial usage has not considered this a concern, consumers may consider using a little joint compound over such blemishes before applying preferred finish. This will in no way reflect the soundproofing characteristic.