AcoustiFence Dog Barking Barrier Project

AcoustiFence Dog Barking Barrier – Acoustiblok was contacted by a homeowner who was suffering from the noise of a loud barking dog that lived next door. The Acoustiblok recommendation was for this customer to employ AcoustiFence noise barrier material, with the reinforced grommets to provide secure fastening to the existing fence structure.
“I’m very pleased with my Acoustiblok fencing. Yes there is still a barking dog on the other side, but the loud offensiveness of the noise is not on my side! So much better! An added benefit is how Acoustiblok worked with me to custom fit the panels to cover the gaps between the gate posts; the dog can’t see me approaching the fence and this has reduced the barking.”
“I installed my panels without the aid of another person, did some prep work to flatten protrusions (latches and bolts) and praise the Lord they just look great!”
“Thank you Acoustiblok!”
– Larry Walker