Alberta Canada Acoustifence
AcoustiFence® Outdoor AC Units Noise Reduction Project
We live in Red Deer, Alberta Canada.
After our neighbors completed their renovation on the house shown in the first picture, three large air conditioning units were installed. These gave off vibration and noise that was very difficult to adjust to after 25 years of quiet.
We were pleased to find Acoustiblok and ordered acoustic fencing that would fit on a chain link structure. Four six foot wide curtains were ordered, ranging in length from seven feet to eleven feet, to accommodate the slope on our lot. We separated the rolls and attached the end of each roll with sturdy plastic ties in about two hours (working slowly!)
The noise reduction has been wonderful for us: we have taken back our balcony which is adjacent to the fence and now can read in our living room without the constant hum that was so hard on us.
Richard Huddleston
Do you have a similar need? Contact us today!