Distribution Facility
AcoustiFence® Distribution Facility Truck Traffic Noise Project
Distribution Facility – AIBONITO, Puerto Rico – Installation of an 18-foot noise barrier utilizing Acoustifence sound blocking material has resolved a noise problem caused by truck traffic to and from the To-Ricos, Ltd. chicken processing and distribution facility in Albonito, Puerto Rico.
A common problem at industrial plants across the U.S. and Puerto Rico, trucks at the To-Ricos facility arrive day and night to be loaded and unloaded, and are often left idling for hours. The loud noise created by the trucks bled into the neighboring residential community, and unable to escape it whether they were indoors or outdoors, neighbors began to complain. Exposure to continuous industrial noise can cause sleeplessness, elevated blood pressure, depression and other health problems.
To-Ricos officials took action by contacting Tampa, Florida-based Acoustiblok, Inc., a manufacturer of residential and industrial noise abatement solutions. Acoustiblok consultants recommended the 18-foot Acoustifence barrier to block the truck noise from escaping into the neighboring community without interfering with the trucks’ ability to perform their functions and keep the plant operational.
Acoustifence is a thin outdoor noise blocking material which acoustically performs precisely as lead does, but without the environmental hazard of lead. It is now widely used in industrial environments, highways, construction sites, mass transit rail lines and in many other outdoor applications where noise is a problem.
Plant personnel constructed an 18 foot metal frame to support the Acoustifence sections, which was easily attached thanks to anodized brass eyelets installed along the top and bottom edge of each section, using heavy duty nylon ties included with the product.
“Acoustifence is becoming more popular for industrial applications like this one, where truck and traffic noise is bleeding into the surrounding communities and literally disrupting people’s lives,” said Lahnie Johnson, founder and president of Acoustiblok, Inc.
“To-Ricos has proven itself to be a good neighbor by addressing the noise problem as soon as they became aware of it, allowing us to help them design and fulfill a noise barrier solution that works and can last for years in their tropical island environment.”
To-Ricos is a division of the Pilgrim’s Corporation, the world’s second largest chicken producer headquartered in Greeley, Colorado.
About Acoustifence:
Acoustifence is a 1/8-inch (3mm) thick unique sound deadening material measuring 6 feet (1.82 meters) high by 30-feet (9.14 meters) long with black anodized brass eyelets along the top and bottom edge for easy attachment to any existing fence or structure.
Heavy-duty nylon ties are included with each roll. Easily installed or removed in less than one hour, impervious to mold, mildew, and UV, Acoustifence is virtually indestructible. The soundproofing material in Acoustifence is a proprietary formula of the Acoustiblok Corporation, developed and refined over a 10-year period.
Acoustifence has proven performance and is easily suspended from a chain link fence, eliminating the need for expensive permitting or structural requirements. Any height can be obtained by simply overlapping the sections. To store, Acoustifence sections simply roll up like carpet into less than a 12-inch diameter. Independent lab tests of the U.S.-made Acoustifence material show a sound transmission classification (STC) of 27 and 30, depending on the model, which represents to the human ear an approximately 85-percent sound reduction. However, results will be less, relative to surrounding sound reflective objects such as buildings or trees and the amount of Acoustifence installed.
Acoustiblok, Inc. also has available high quality landscape attachments which fit directly over the Acoustifence to provide a realistic landscape appearance. A variety of landscape attachments are available to choose from, including floral gardens, green meadows, English garden walls, and other scenic illustrations to blend into any natural backdrop or enhance an unfinished yard or property.