Medical Center Generator Noise Enclosures

Acoustiblok’s AWSP® were used to create medical center generator noise enclosures to dramatically reduce the noise coming from an externally housed generator. Reflections from the generator were causing issues for neighbors as well as the staff and patients in the medical center. Following the installation of the noise enclosures, there have been no complaints.

Automation Technology Noise Barriers
Medical Center Generator Noise

Twin Tower Generator Noise Enclosures

Automation Technology Noise Barriers
Medical Center Generator Noise
Medical Center Generator Noise
Medical Center Generator Noise
Medical Center Generator Noise

Enclosure Noise Analysis Video – Pre-Enclosure Installation

Primary Noise Source
Above is a real-time acoustical video of noise exiting a generator enclosure, as seen by the ARTVIS Service camera at the property line.  Typical treatment would place a barrier between the generator and the property line.
1st Reflections
Above you can see a blocking of the primary noise source on the left, as if a barrier were present. As you can see, a barrier will not prevent 1st reflections from traveling back toward the property line.