Soundproofing Husqvarna Showroom
Acoustiblok Husqvarna Showroom Soundproofing Project

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, October 31 – Acoustiblok® noise deadening indoor sound panels have been installed in the 4,770 square foot showroom of Husqvarna Group’s North American corporate headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Husqvarna Group, the world’s largest maker of outdoor power tools, opened the massive research and development complex which includes the dealer showroom, in July 2011. But the showroom’s hard surfaces and high, open ceiling created problems with reverberant noise and echo within the structure that made communication difficult.
Husqvarna North American Test Manager Bob Samuelson said they realized early on that they needed to address the noise issue, and began a search for an appropriate noise deadening material.
“The sound quality in there was just no good,” Samuelson said. “We couldn’t understand anything that came over the loud speaker.”
Jay Boland, an acoustical consultant for Acoustiblok, Inc., recommended sound absorbing panels for the large space. Forty-five 4x8ft and ten 4x6ft indoor sound panels were installed on walls throughout the showroom space to provide the highest sound absorption per square foot of any indoor sound panel product available.

Acoustiblok’s Indoor Sound Panels, part of the Acoustiblok QuietCloud® product family, are affordable and easily installed.
“We requested a quote from another soundproofing material manufacturer, and it was way too high,” Samuelson said. “We did some research and found Acoustiblok.
“These panels have worked out great, you can really tell the difference.”
Lahnie Johnson, president and founder of Acoustiblok, Inc., says that reverberant sound is a common problem in structures like the Husqvarna showroom, which has an abundance of hard surfaces and high ceilings.
“We resolve reverberant noise and echo in a wide variety of industrial and commercial spaces with our indoor sound panels, or one of our other sound wave and vibration-absorbing products,” Johnson said. “All of our products have the added benefit of providing an attractive, cohesive decorative element that can be worked into the existing décor or design of any building.”
Sweden-based Husqvarna has been in business since 1689, originally established as a rifle maker for the Swedish Army. Today, the brand and worldwide subsidiaries range from lawn sprinklers to robotic demolition equipment. This new Charlotte R&D facility enables the landscaping arm to be a competitive leader in the green industry, with noise-suppressing back-pack blowers, a line of battery powered hand tools, and a battery powered riding mower among the list of their newest products.