Festival Foods Chiller Enclosure
AcoustiFence® & QuietFiber® Chiller Noise Reduction Project

Festival Foods Chiller Enclosure – Acoustiblok Inc. was contacted to resolve a noise issue with a commercial chiller that was in close proximity to a residential neighborhood. A 24′ tall, 3 sided AcoustiFence barrier was installed around the chiller. The top 10′ of the building wall was treated with QuietFiber to prevent sound reflections over the top of the barrier. The acoustical treatment resulted in ambient noise levels at the property line and the chiller which can no longer be heard.
Below is an excerpt from the final acoustical report from an acoustical consultant at Scott R. Riedel Associates:
Thank you for having me onsite to investigate the current ambient noise levels at the Festival Foods site at 595 South Taylor Drive, Sheboygan WI. I was onsite March 7th 2012 to measure the compressor cooling fan sound levels at two lot line positions. While onsite, I met with representatives from the City of Sheboygan building inspectors, Festival Foods management and even a neighboring resident. All stated that subject noise levels were greatly reduced since the recent treatment installation. I have summarized the main points of our testing investigation below.
Weather conditions were somewhat unfavorable to the sound level measurement process. Near-constant high speed winds made it difficult to obtain accurate readings. We were able to wait for brief lulls in wind speed to take reading at each of the measurement points.
Weather Conditions:
Temperature: 51° F – Humidity 83% – Wind: SSW at 21 mph
NE Property Line – Ambient Noise: 58.2 dB-A – w/Fans On:56.8 dB-A – Impression: Fan noise audible
SE Property Line – Ambient Noise:57.3 dB-A – w/Fans On:57.2 dB-A – Impression: Fan noise is completely inaudible
The fan noise was now completely inaudible at the SE property line. Due to the unfavorable geometry (high receiver elevation and low source elevation) the fans were audible, but subdued at the NE property line. Fan noise did not exceed the ambient sound levels at either position. Note that the windy conditions make it possible to only record time-averaged sound levels for 1 to 2 seconds. This accounts for the discrepancies and higher ambient sound levels in the data above. Measurement on a less windy day would allow for longer averaging periods and more accurate results.
My conclusion from this data and onsite observations is that the fan noise is now at or below the ambient sound levels. Sounds from local traffic and roadways exceeded that of the compressor equipment.