36KW Generator Noise Enclosure
The Making of a 36KW Generator Noise Enclosure
Making a 36KW Generator Noise Enclosure turned out to be the solution for this customer. Maria Parker visited our website on 9/11/2017 with the following inquiry:
“I am in the process of purchasing a 36KW generator (150 amp capacity) for my home. I need to have some kind of sound proofing in order for the home owner’s association to pass the installation. Need help.”
An Acoustiblok representative contacted her and recommended utilizing our Acoustiblok and QuietFiber materials to build an enclosure around the unit,. After sending her a few project flyers, she picked the one she liked the most and hired a contractor to build one for her. All the installation suggestions were provided to the contractor for a proper installation and our representative was always available to them with answers to any questions that arose. When the enclosure was completed, the generator was started and, as you can see in the video clip, she was very pleased with the results.
“A one man carpenter accomplished my project housing from beginning to end. I even had enough material left over to continue & enclose my air conditioner unit. My Acoustiblok rep Kamy was very informative. Getting all the correct items needed for my 36KW Generac Generator insulation was very rewarding. I am very pleased with the results.” – Maria Parker
When her rep asked if it would be a correct statement to say that half of the noise had been dropped, she responded that it was “more than half”.