Fenway Park Noise Barrier
AWSP® Fenway Park Noise Reduction Project

Fenway Park Noise Barrier – Acoustiblok was contacted to resolve a noise issue from a chiller in an exclusive food service area of Fenway Park. After speaking with one of our noise abatement specialists they were able to develop a solution to the problem. Acoustiblok’s All Weather Sound Panels were used to create an absorption barrier which dramatically reduced the noise. They were later painted to match the park’s color scheme.
Sound meter results showed 81dB inside the enclosure and 64.4dB outside the enclosure, a reduction of over 16dB. The client was very happy with the results.
If you have a problem with the noise from an outdoor chiller, give us a call and talk to one of our noise abatement specialists to develop a solution that meets your needs.