Remarkably Quiet Media Room
Acoustiblok® Media Room Noise Reduction Project
Remarkably Quiet Media Room – Some time ago you supplied me two rolls of Acoustiblok which I used in the “media room” of the house I was constructing. It has been a long project getting (nearly) done with the house, and even longer getting my home theater equipment out of the boxes and set up, but I can tell you I am quite pleased with the results.
The house is a single level over a basement (unfinished), so there was no attempt to acoustically isolate the ceiling or the floor. There are several walls throughout the house that were built with double stud or offset stud framing, filled with fiberglass batts. This has provided some level of reference for comparison with the room with Acoustiblok, which also has the vertical drywall installed over resilient channel over the Acoustiblok.
Even with the sound cranked up, the room is remarkably quiet from adjacent rooms. The only weak links are the floor joists and the door, which even though an exterior grade solid oak door with a compression vinyl seal, “leaks” some sound. This room does a much better job at sound isolation than the other rooms with the only offset studs and fiberglass.
Appreciate your personal attention to getting this out to me quickly, and also for finding very economical freight shipping.
George Wallace
Heron, MT
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