Craycon Homes Install Acoustiblok
Acoustiblok® Employed by Residential Home Builder Craycon Homes
Saving Labor Costs in Ohio
Craycon Homes Install Acoustiblok – Craycon Homes is a residential home builder located in Piqua, Ohio. Our product line includes multi-family, duplex projects and single family homes in the greater Miami County area. We have used Acoustiblok on our zero lot line duplex units for a sound barrier between the units. We have found that this product does an amazing job of eliminating sound transferal between adjacent units at the parting wall. We have found that Acoustiblok is relatively easy to install saving on labor costs. We have been recommending this product to other trades people, with our stamp of approval. Thank you for the opportunity to share our success with your product.
Bob Graeser
Production Manager
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